A cooking blog

Cointreau cake


1.5 hours


8-10 servings



Cointreau  is a French clear liqueur made from bitter and sweet citrus varieties. It is often used by confectioners to flavor creams, biscuits, macarons and other confectionery products. 


Liqueur can elevate an ordinary dessert to an exquisite one thanks to its aromatic and taste qualities.

The cake contains apricot confit that is harmoniously combined with light orange notes thanks to the sweet-sour aftertaste of tropical fruits.



My name is Svitlana. I am a pastry chef, food blogger, photographer and food stylist.

My blog is about delicious food, desserts, home baking, photos, aesthetics and people.
If you want to chat or have a proposal for cooperation, write to pr@klymovska.com, or on Instagram.

Master classes

In my blog you will find master classes that will be interesting for both beginners and professionals.

I am a practicing confectioner and I will teach you how to make delicious and exquisite confections at home.

Method of cooking

Sift all dry ingredients.

Prepare three biscuit rings 18 cm in diameter. Cover them with foil. If the baking form has a bottom, cover it with parchment.

Whip sugar with oil, add eggs one by one. Whip and add the milk.

Add half of the dry mix, stir with a whisk.

Pour Cointro onto the surface and pour boiling water over it, mix quickly.

Pour in the rest of the dry ingredients.

Mix well, pour into molds.

Bake for 30-40 minutes at 180°C.

Remove the biscuits from the molds and stabilize them at room temperature for 8 hours. Level the top with a serrated knife.

Caramel sauce

Method of cooking

In a saucepan, heat sugar and water to a rich caramel color.

At the same time, heat the cream with butter.

Pour the butter-cream mixture into the caramel and mix well. Remove from heat.

Cool to 60°C, pour liquor and stir.

Apricot confit

Method of cooking

Put puree, 50 gr of sugar in a saucepan, heat to 40 degrees.

Pour pectin with sugar, constantly stir with a whisk.

Bring to boil, remove from heat and pour liquor.

Cover with food film in contact and cool.


Method of cooking

Whip everything well to get a stable and smooth cream

Make the cake

Biscuit – caramel – cream – confit. Repeat till used all ingredients. Put the cake in the fridge to stabilize for 5 hours.

You can read the article about NH pectin and why I prefer it at the link https://klymovska.com/en/basics-of-cooking/pectin/


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