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Dairy products
Nataliia Nechas
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Today’s topic is dairy products. Writing this I can almos feel the hate from those, who are in bad terms with this type of products. Like “dairy = evil”, it gives you cellulite, acne, swelling, mucus, it waches out calcium, etc. The list is endless. In contrary, I want to reassure you in dairy and give you a possibility to form an exact relation to this product group.
Dairy, as any other food, has it unique biochemical components, micro- and macronutrients. This group includes milk, sour cream, ryazhenka, kefir, youghurt, hard and soft cheese. All this, except cheese, has a little macronutrients. But aged cheeses, such as Parmesan, have a lot of calcium, phosphorus, protein and little fat, and the more aged the cheese, the less lactose it contains.

Pay attention that cream, butter and ice-cream are not related to this category. Canadian, British associations and WHO recommend consuming dairy products in a certain amount and controlling the percentage of fat (NOT NON-FAT). These recommendations can be found in detail on their websites, this information is available to everyone.
Dairy products contain lactose (a disaccharide that divides into glucose and galactose). It refers to natural, not to added sugars, the amount of which we control. Therefore, dairy products should not be limited because of sugar. But you should pay attention to the amount of lactose only if you are diagnosed with lactose intolerance. Most often, in this case, you can leave in your diet: yogurt, kefir, hard and soft cheese.
Cellulite, swelling, acne as a result of milk consuming is a myth.
Cellulite, swelling, acne as a result of milk consuming is a myth. Blaming one product for this is a superficial verdict. Only a comprehensive assessment of your daily life: sleep, adequate, balanced nutrition according to the KBJU (the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates), physical activity, the presence of stress – will help to solve these problems.
Mucus is a result of cells secretion, it is a natural barrier thar protects epithelial cells of lungs, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, vision and hearing; it helps to confront viruses and bacteria. So mucus quanity should be in norm. After you have a glass of milk or eat any other dairy food, mucus and saliva in your throat get somewhat thicker and become white for some time. This is the exat phenomenon that is interpreted as “harmful diary” and mucus secretion by the supporters of harmful milk theory. At the same time, the quantity and quality of mucus does not change.
Dairy does not wash out calcium, in contrary, it reduces the risks of osteoporosis. In addition to calcium, dairy products also contain protein and phosphorus, which are necessary for maintaining bone health.
In this way there is no logical point to blame dairy in all human sins. It’s the same food, it has its own calories, nutrients, vitamins, minerals. And, of course, as any other product, if consumed in excess, can negatively influence your health.
“The composition of a varied, balanced and healthy diet depends on individual characteristics (such as age, gender, lifestyle and level of physical activity), cultural context, available local products and dietary customs. However, the basic principles of healthy eating remain the same.” (translated from the WHO website) .
Sincerely, your nutritionist and trainer Nataliia Nechas.

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